Customize your comfort system to match your family's preferences and needs.
If your older inefficient system is causing you more and more inconvenience and discomfort perhaps it is time to consider having a new high efficiency York air conditioner, heat pump, or GeoComfort ground source unit installed in your home. You’ll enjoy savings on your utility bills and increased comfort. Don’t let equipment failure spoil your day. Inquire today about a new comfort system from Shannon Heating & Cooling.
York Affinity Equipment
Air to Air Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners, and Furnaces
Compared to traditional compressors, the York Affinity series is designed to outperform by yielding 60% greater efficiency, reducing noise by up to 4X, and providing even comfort levels. Plus you can choose from seven exterior colors.
GeoComfort Equipment
Ground Source Heat Pumps
GeoComfort equipment takes advantage of the free energy in your own backyard to provide heating, cooling, and hot water. Geothermal heating and cooling systems operate on the constant moderate temperatures found below the earth’s surface, saving you money on your energy bills.